An Ode to August

August to me feels like adult summer break. Not the sleeping-until-noon and spending-all-day-at-the-pool breaks of yore, but it's more laid-back than the other eleven months. So, I plan to spend the next 31 days basking in summer's waning glow—and asking beauty industry veterans what products they stockpile for the season. That interview series will officially start tomorrow, but I’ll kick things off now with a few of my favorites:

LIp COLORS that never let me down

More than 80 percent of us wear lipstick. If you’re reading MediumBlonde, I’m guessing you’re one of them. And while so-called National Days (Caesar Salad Day…really?) are pretty silly, tomorrow is National Lipstick Day, and I thought I’d use it as an excuse to share (and re-share) some of my all-time favorite lipcolors.

Easiest-Ever Manicure (Even I Can Do It)

Despite writing about nailcare and polish trends for decades, I’m terrible at a DIY manicure. My fine motor skills are nothing to brag about; sewing on a button takes effort, and my “scissor skills” (or lack thereof) screwed up my GPA in preschool. Thus, when I “do” my nails myself, I typically stick to a buffed finish. However, pigs must be flying because I just discovered a polish even I can apply—and be pleased with the results.

Spend or Skip? GrandeBROW

If every anti-aging product on the market really did what it claimed, we'd all look 18. And while there are many effective products that help make the most of our looks as we age (and I, for one, like the way I look better at 45 than I did at 18), there are also many that are nothing but snake oil. Thus, I've created this series, Spend or Skip?, in which I will apply my twenty years as a beauty guinea pig to objectively road-test and review buzz-generating, anti-aging products that everyone's talking about. The mission: to help you decide whether to buy—or bypass—the latest fountain of youth. My latest testee: GrandeBROW

Foundation Made For Your Face. Literally.

Do you remember how exciting Prescriptives Custom Blend Foundation was in the ‘90s? The idea of getting makeup made just for your skin tone was so…novel. I recall going with girlfriends to a Parisian Department Store in Atlanta and being color matched for the first time. We sat in stools with flesh-colored tiger stripes along our jaws, debating which one “disappeared” into our skin. I’ve always been a sucker for customization, lured by the promise of something made just for me. Thus, when Bare Minerals partnered up with MatchCo. to create a color-matching foundation you can order from your iPhone (that’s right), I was all in.

Shed The Dead (Skin): Part Two

I exfoliated my scalp. Yes, my scalp. I recently wrote a piece for a national magazine on scalp skin health, which got me thinking how most of us spend a lot of time and money exfoliating our aging faces, but few (next to none?) do the same for the scalp…which is also aging skin.

Shed the Dead (Skin): Part One

When we were first dating, my husband said I worked the word exfoliation into almost every conversation. I was a new beauty editor at the time and obsessed with peels, scrubs, microdermabrasion, retinoids, derma-planing, you name it. Anything that cleared out clogs and sloughed off old skin. I believed it helped with breakouts, fine lines, sun spots, calluses, even just tired, hungover skin (this was my twenties, after all). And I still believe this—probably more so now that I’m nearly 46, and my skin cells aren’t turning over nearly as quickly or efficiently as they did twenty years ago. So, when I have a day off (rare; freelancing life means deadlines are always looming), I love nothing more than to do a head-to-toe deep exfoliation.

Makeup Tricks for Days When Your Face Says, "I'm. So. Tired."

Do you ever have days when you're just dragging? Not sick. Not more sleep deprived than usual. Not hormonal. Well, maybe a little hormonal, but not unusually so. Just tired. And, unlike in my thirties when I felt fatigue but my face didn't advertise it, 40-something tired is pretty obvious (pale, shadowy, drawn—at times verging on Ignorance and Want in A Christmas Carol). Well, I was suffering from tired face last Thursday as I was dressing for an evening event. Not pretty. Luckily, after years of interviewing experts, I do have a few fatigue-hiding tricks up my sleeve (or in my makeup bag).