Not Another New Year, New You Post

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. I once read that only eight percent of us are still sticking to them come February, so it seems futile to me. I do, however, believe in finding ways to jumpstart my fitness routine in early January since the post-holiday letdown always leaves me feeling sluggish.

A Beauty Ad That Speaks To Us. Finally.

Most people who watched the Golden Globes last night are talking today about Oprah’s speech, Seth’s monologue, the all-black dress code, and Natalie Portman throwing shade while announcing the all-male best-director category. But one of my favorite moments was a hair commercial.

Got Chapped Lips? Do This

This week in Ann Arbor temperatures have hovered around zero outdoors, so we’ve cranked the heat inside. The result of this dry-air assault: flaking, cracking, super-thirsty lips. Slathering on balm feels good (so does licking your lips, but DON'T DO THAT because that will only make things worse). To truly improve chapped lips, you have to add this step:

What Works: Taryn Rose

As part of a regular series, I’ll be asking inspiring, in-the-know women to share their best tips and favorite products. The point? As always, to find out what worksToday's beauty insider: Taryn Rose, M.D., orthopedic surgeon and founder of the Taryn Rose Shoe Collection

Put Yourself On the Nice List

If your household is like mine, you do all the holiday gift shopping. My husband came home yesterday evening and asked where all the wrapped, tagged and stacked gifts had “come from”—like Santa had popped by with a delivery while he was out. And while I am not complaining (I like being in charge of this family task), it’s a lot of work. Which is why, to say “thank” this time of year, I sometimes sneak in one small gift to myself.

What Works: Lisa Sugar

As part of a regular series, I’ll be asking inspiring, in-the-know women to share their best tips and favorite products. The point? As always, to find out what worksToday's beauty insider: Lisa Sugar, Founder and President of POPSUGAR Inc.

Go Ahead: Try Something New

In our teens and twenties, most of us gamely embraced new trends, feathering, then bobbing, then shagging our hair—and seesawing from frosty pink lipstick (80s pop) to matte brown lipcolor (90s grunge). It made us feel pretty, current, and allowed us to play around with different personas. But somewhere along the way, many settled into “what works best for us," adopting a haircut we’ve more or less maintained ever since, choosing an everyday, goof-proof lipcolor (pinky nude for me), selecting a grownup signature scent…and letting Millennials have all the fun with hair and makeup. I think this is a mistake.

How Well Are Your Feet Aging?

When it comes to anti-aging advice, we’re inundated with info on products and treatments for the face. The hair, chest, neck and hands get some attention too, but by the time we make it south to our feet, there’s not much talk about foot-aging—or what we can do about it. But I know my feet are not what they were at 25. Or even 35.

How To Make Yourself Want To (Yes, Want To) Workout

Earlier this fall, I battled a cold that morphed into bronchitis. Walking up and down our basement stairs winded me, so I stopped working out. One week turned into two, turned into three. Once I started to feel better, I knew it was time to head back to Orange Theory, but inertia had set in. Driving Heath to school in my pajamas, then coming home to work at my desk in sweats and fuzzy socks had become my new norm. So, in an effort to break out of this sedentary rut, I employed these tricks: