All tagged Vapour Beauty

LIp COLORS that never let me down

More than 80 percent of us wear lipstick. If you’re reading MediumBlonde, I’m guessing you’re one of them. And while so-called National Days (Caesar Salad Day…really?) are pretty silly, tomorrow is National Lipstick Day, and I thought I’d use it as an excuse to share (and re-share) some of my all-time favorite lipcolors.

Why I Wear Orange

Four and half years ago, on a cloudy December afternoon, I was sitting at a picnic table in Central Park with some girlfriends, watching our 9-year-old sons play baseball. Suddenly, our smart phones began to ping simultaneously with a news alert: School shooting reported in Connecticut. As the pings revealed increasingly grim details about that horrible day, our group went from chatting animatedly about holiday plans…to silence. Two of the mothers began to cry. I’m guessing many of you also remember where you were when you first heard about Newtown.