A veteran magazine beauty editor/writer (and a member of the 40+ club), Genevieve Monsma created MediumBlonde to help Gen Xers and Baby Boomers age the way they want.


Can I Get An Amen?

Can I Get An Amen?

Last June I went on a press trip to Calistoga, California hosted by Perricone M.D., the wellness brand launched twenty years ago by Nicholas Perricone, M.D.. You know him: He’s the dermatologist whose bestselling book The Wrinkle Cure first introduced us to the skin-aging impact of inflammation—and he’s the guy who got us all eating salmon.

What I’ve always admired about Dr. Perricone is his unconventional approach to skincare and his willingness to have an unpopular opinion. When he first introduced the idea of an anti-inflammatory, anti-aging diet two decades ago, he was largely ridiculed by his peers. Ditto for the sciencey-sounding ingredients he infused into his products (e.g. DMAE, Alpha Lipoic Acid, C-Ester). Some of his naysaying peers even went on the record in this infamous NY Times article. But Dr. Perricone persevered, refused to retract his theories on aging and inflammation. . .and eventually the medical community came around. Why? Well, he was right. Today it’s widely accepted that chronic inflammation and accelerated aging are bedfellows.

Over the past two decades, Dr. Perricone’s skincare line also multiplied from a few high-tech topicals to dozens (and dozens) of lotions, potions, and dietary supplements (like the Omega 3 capsules above). And while this growth was generally a very good thing, Dr. Perricone’s business team was starting to see that too many options can also cause consumer confusion. Thus, beginning last month, Dr. Perricone and Co. began rolling out a new, streamlined version of Perricone M.D.. Some of the changes you’ll see include: collections are now color-coded so you can easily identify what goes with what; a few products have new names so you can better understand what a formula does; and a handful of older products have been permanently retired. This brand reset was announced at the aforementioned press trip—and I’m sharing it with you primarily because it’s news. But it’s not the best info I heard in Calistoga. This is: Dr. Perricone also announced that this line is specifically, officially and unabashedly formulated for women 40+.

Once again, Dr. Perricone is unafraid to stand apart from the pack. (In this case, that pack is a bunch of skincare companies who continue to market their anti-aging products to Millennials despite the obvious money and motivation Gen X and Baby Boomers have to invest in their faces.) Robert Koener, CMO of Perricone M.D., also didn’t mince words on the brand’s intent, “Baby Boomer and Generation X consumers are looking for serious skincare solutions that work, and that’s what we consistently bring. Refocusing on our core 40+ consumer and addressing her skin concerns means this brand might not be for everyone. And we’re not afraid to say it – we’re no longer chasing Millennials.” Hallelujuah.

To support the brand’s commitment to a grownup consumer, Perricone M.D.’s new ad campaign will also be populated by real women who are all 40+. But these aren’t just any women. Dr. Perricone has always contended he is a scientist, not a marketer (and if you’ve ever heard him talk, you know this to be true. He is a total science nerd, something I say with affection.). Thus, all the women in the new ad campaign, which is coined Born Seekers, are leaders in the scientific community. Their areas of expertise range from gene therapy to climate change to engineering the Mars Rover. Click on the faces below to find out more about some of these impressive, accomplished women.

The campaign, which starts this month, helps launch the new streamlined Perricone M.D. collection, but it’s also intended to raise awareness about Scientista, a foundation that helps support young women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Learn more about Scientista and its partnership with Perricone M.D. here.

Feeling inclined to support a brand that wants to support you back? Check out a few of my favorite Perricone products in the Shop This Post carousel, below. How do you feel about Perricone M.D.’s new messaging? Did you ever read The Wrinkle Cure? And did you (like me) start eating salmon circa 2000 largely because of Dr. Perricone? Sound off in Comments, below.

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